Information, Advice and Assistance (IAA) for Adult Social Services

Please note that the Adults Services Duty and Information Team (ASDIT) and the Children’s Services Contact and Referral Team (C&R Team) have been amalgamated to form the Information, Advice and Assistance Service (IAA).

The Local Authority has a duty to establish an IAA Service under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.

IAA is the "front door" to accessing services from our adult service and children's service divisions.

Your contact details



0808 100 2500


Adult Services, Unit 3, Foxes Lane, Oakdale Business Park, Oakdale, Blackwood. NP12 4AB. Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol i Oedolion, Uned 3, Foxes Lane, Parc Busnes Oakdale, Oakdale, Coed Duon. NP12 4AB