Rural Community Development Fund

The Rural Community Development Fund (RCDF) will offer grants for a wide range of interventions designed to prevent and mitigate the impact of poverty in rural communities improving conditions which can lead to future jobs and growth.

The objectives of RCDF are to promote social inclusion, poverty reduction, and economic development in rural areas, help those most deprived in rural Wales and those that have limited scope to change their circumstances and to develop the resilience and capability of rural communities so that they are better able to cope with and adapt to change.  

Key areas for support will include drawing up of community/village development plans; investments in small scale infrastructure including community-based renewable energy; investments in ICT including broadband and digital inclusion; improving access to services such as childcare, rural transport and financial advice; investments in recreational, tourist infrastructure and activities to improve health and quality of life.

Who’s entitled to apply?

The RCDF is open to applications from the following beneficiaries (N.B. all applicants must be a legal entity): Local Action Groups (LAG), local community groups (including charities and trusts, co-operatives), social enterprises, Companies Limited by Guarantee; Community Interest Companies; mutuals; local authorities; the Welsh Government who are operating in an RDP targeted ward or service centre.

All applicants at a community level must discuss their ideas and proposals with the LAG for their area before submitting their application to the Welsh Government. LAGs will assess the fit with the priorities of their approved Local Development Strategy (LDS) for their area and help to develop the proposals if required. 

How to apply

The application process will be in two stages. The first stage will be to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). The applicant must provide anoutline of the proposed project investment explaining how the project will deliver against each of the assessment criteria for that EOI window. Applicants that are successful at EOI stage will be invited to second stage to submit a Full Application.

The Expression of Interest form can be accessed from the following website

To discuss your proposed project with the Local Action Group you should contact Owen Ashton (RDP Delivery Manager) on 01443 838632 ore-mail:

What is the level of grant available?

Grants are available for between 50% and 80% of total project costs, depending on the project itself. Minimum grant awards will be between £400 and £2,400 and the maximum grant available is £128,000.

How often are grant applications considered?

The scheme operates through windows that will open and close regularly through the life of the programme. The deadline for the next EOI application round is 30th June 2016.